full stack developer, javascript developer, software engineer, web developer, react developer, reactjs developer, node developer, nodejs developer, graphql developer, front end developer.I'm Paramvir Singh, Full stack developer, I'm a student of Delhi Technological University pursuing Computer Engineering

About Me

I'm a student from Delhi Technological University pursuing B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering. I'm a full stack web developer with keen interest in upcoming technlogies. Check out my latest works inProjects section.
If you want to contact me or ask me anything you can reach me here.Let's Talk


Pieces of my work

A single page application which gives information about global and countrywide stats of COVID-19. Build with React.js, Chart.js and deployed using Netlify. Features include Pie charts of Mortality and Recovery rate, line charts showing day wise covid cases anywhere around the world

Go To COVID19-Stats

A quora-like platform where users can ask and answer questions. Built using Socket.io on Node.js, users require signing up and login with token based authentication. MongoDB is used as a database service for storing all the user info and info related to their questions etc. Users have option to remove their questions. It's mobile responsive as well.

Go To My-Quora
Chat Room
Chat Room

A chat room for you and your friends to chat and make plans together. Each user require a username and a unique chatroom name which must be shareable among his friends for them to chat together. Built using real-time websockets connection and frontend is basic HTML/CSS. You can also share your live location which is implemented using javascript's geolocation object.

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Hangman & Quiz
Hangman & Quiz

A website built using jQuery(For DOM manipulation), HTML, CSS and Javascript where you can play any of the two games :- Hangman and MCQ based Quiz game. Hangman consists of 4 levels of word guessing whereas Quiz consists of 5 questions randomly selected from json file containing 10 question. Animations are properly handled using jQuery. Have fun and keep your mind relaxed while playing these games.

Go To Hangman & Quiz

A web app built on React to manage your daily expenses. Firebase is used for database service and every user logins through google authentication. User has ability to add, delete, edit their expenses. Ability to sort the expenses on the basis of their date or amount. You can select expenses by their name and also list all the expenses lying in a particular date range

Go To Expensify
Whatsapp Automation

Python script is written in Jupyter Notebook enabling automation for sending messages on whatsapp using Selenium framework and chrome webdriver.

Go To Whatsapp Automation

Contact Me

Let`s build something unique

software enginer, ui developer, build website, full stack developer, freelancer in india, font end developer in india, full stack developer in india, javascript developer, software engineer, web developer, react developer, reactjs developer, node developer, nodejs developer, graphql developer, angular developer, typescript developer, front end developer.